The applicant is a national of Iran. She has a daughter in the UK and previously submitted an application to visit her, the application was refused due to the Home Office not believing that she was a genuine visitor and that she would return to her country of origin at the of her visit.
We were then instructed to deal with the previous refusal and submit a new visa application for the applicant to come to the UK before her daughter gives birth.
The applicant was settled in Iran, she had a son who had just finished university. She was working full time and responsible for the part-time care of her parents who suffered from dementia. She provided doctors letters confirming her parent’s medical conditions and that she is the primary caregiver, and she also provided a letter from her employer confirming that she has been granted annual leave and was required to return to work at the end of her visit.
We drafted detailed representations explaining the applicant’s links to Iran, and the reasons why she will return to Iran at the end of her trip. We also provided bank statements and with our expertise in this area, we addressed the issues from the bank statements that we could foresee that the Home Office could potentially raise in a refusal.
We also requested that the UK-based sponsor provide evidence of her pregnancy and any potential complications in the pregnancy.
Based on all of the above, the application was granted, and the applicant was granted a 6-month visit visa to the UK.