EEA Family Permit Visa UK

You intend to join your EEA national family member in the UK, and wish to apply for an EEA family permit?

Some of the facts:

If you have an EEA national family member currently living in the UK and wish to join him/her, you can apply for an EEA Family Permit; It is advisable to NON – EEA family members outside the UK to obtain this status before further political changes like BREXIT; The EEA family permit allows you to live in the UK for six months, after which you can apply in the country for an EEA residence card;

Tier 5 Temporary Worker Visas

Do you know about Tier 5 Temporary Worker Visa?

Some of the facts:

It is the UK immigration scheme that provides opportunities for individuals to enter the UK and work under certain special circumstances; Applicants are required to have a job offer from an organisation in the UK that is a licenced Tier 5 sponsor; There is five categories of Tier 5 (Temporary Worker) scheme: Tier 5 (Charity Worker), Tier 5 (Creative and Sporting), Tier 5 (Government Authorised Exchange), Tier 5 (International Agreement) and Tier 5 (Religious Worker); Applicants are required to have a current passport, proof of financial funds for supporting themselves in the UK, and proof of English proficiency;

Tier 5 Youth Mobility Visa

What you should know about Tier 5 Youth Mobility Scheme?

Some of the facts:

The above visa scheme is a great opportunity for young adults to live and work in the UK; You do not need a job offer from the UK company before applying for a Tier 5 Youth Mobility Visa; Only applicants holding the following nationalities can benefit from this visa: Australia, Canada, Japan, Monaco, New Zealand, Hong Kong, the Republic of Korea, or Taiwan, OR you hold a British overseas/territories citizenship, or British national (overseas) status; You must be between the ages of 18 and 30; You cannot apply if you have children who live with you, children you are financially responsible for. You cannot apply if you’ve already been in the UK under the same scheme or working holidaymaker visa previously;

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