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This video is about Civil Penalty Notice issued by the Home Office for employing illegal migrants.

Let’s see as to how Civil Penalties Create Severe Problems.

Number 1: The Fine is up to 20,000 pounds per illegal worker, so it may cause severe financial implication.
Number 2: These penalties result in a negative record (i.e. Name and shame) as Home Office publishes the records online with the Company Name who get caught employing illegal workers.
Number 3 It may lead to criminal prosecution

Fortunately, receiving a civil penalty does not have to be a finality. If the business takes quick action and challenge the civil penalty if they have good grounds in defense, then there are possibilities to overturn the decision or reduce the penalty.

What can you do after receiving the Civil Penalty Notice?

You have the option to appeal a civil penalty notice. If your civil penalty is for the employment of illegal workers, you have a time frame of 28 days when you can either appeal the penalty or pay the fine in its entirety. There is no flexibility with this window of time, so you must be quick in your response.

It’s important to note that if an appeal leads to the revelation of more damaging information against your company, the penalties may increase. It’s vital to get an expert advice before proceeding and ensure that your appeal position is strong.

The first point of action is to lodge a written objection. If this written objection is unsuccessful, you can request a hearing to present your appeal.

Let me share our recent success story.

A Y & J Solicitors were instructed by a reputed company with over 25 years’ experience in the property services for their Civil Penalty matter.

They were alleged of employing 5 illegal workers with a potential threat of a fine maximum up to a total of £1,00,000.

We represented this client on their Civil Penalty matter and managed to get a NO action notice from the Home Office, i.e. ZERO penalties.

See here (watch the video), a letter from the Home Office’s NO action notice for this client.

Of course, every case would be decided on its own merits, and the outcome of the case depends on the quality of information/documents. Having said that, we are well placed to bring a difference in our client’s Civil Penalty matter employing our niche extensive experience and expertise in this area.

The expert team at A Y & J Solicitors has had success reducing Civil Penalty for small to large organisations.

If you require legal advice in relation to Civil Penalty Notice, please contact us today. Our contact details are at the bottom of the video. We are happy to help. Thank you.

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