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UK standard visitor visas: Documents and information you need

Apr 15, 2021
Last Updated on May 21, 2024

A UK standard visitor visa

This particular UK visa category is appropriate for those who would like to visit the UK for short visits, and this may include medical treatments, business, training, family visits.  The immigration rules cover the following permitted activities one can do on a UK standard visitor visa:  

  • Participating in a sporting event
  • Conducting academic research
  • Accompanying students on a study program
  • Performing as an artist, musician, or entertainer
  • Negotiating or signing contracts and agreements
  • Promotional activities related to a business
  • Applying for business funding
  • If you’re a doctor or dentist, a clinical attachment or observer post
  • Taking the Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE)
  • Attending conferences or meetings
  • Business-related training or brief study courses

The maximum period of each visit is 6-months.  

Freedom & restrictions with Standard Visitor visa

With a standard visitor visa, the visa holders can freely visit their family and loved ones, attend conferences, participate in miniature study courses, attend music or cultural festivals, complete business activities, etc., as is mentioned in the visa.

However, there are some restrictions on a standard visitor visa:

  1. Residing in the Uk for an extended period through frequent visits are not allowed. 
  2. The visa holders cannot do any paid or unpaid work during their visit period.
  3. Claim benefit through raising public funds
  4. Visa holders cannot study beyond 6 months.
  5. Any civil partnership or marriage is strictly not allowed. A marriage visitors visa is required to do that.

Check your eligibility 

Any individual looking for a visa must necessarily check eligibility before applying. 

  1. Your visit to the UK is a short time visit
  2. Your visit is agenda-specific, for example, meeting family, friends, medical attention, brief study course, music performance, etc.
  3. You will immediately leave the UK after your work finishes and your purpose fulfilled 
  4. You have enough funds to sustain yourself and your dependents during the stay. 
  5. You are not taking jobs or raising funds in the UK
  6. You can buy a return ticket and ensure no violation or criminal offence to commit.

The individual must apply 3 months before the visit to the UK.

Standard visitor visa for business work

The visa seeker must prove the following

  1. The visitor has business work in the UK
  2. The work could include seminars, conferences, contract negotiations
  3. Business-related work or activity for the overseas branch of the business
  4. A Permitted Paid engagement visa details are needed if the organisation is paying for your visit

Do you have a way to calculate the Visitor Visa UK cost?

Yes! Use our calculator below to calculate your Visitor Visa Visa cost.

Please answer the questions and you will be able to calculate the approx. cost for The Visitor Visa –

Standard visitor visa as an organ donor

Before you arrive in the UK to donate an organ, it must be ensured that:

  1. The person you are donating organs to is a close relative of you. He/she could be best friend or spouse
  2. The person has blood relations with you. He/she could be a brother or sister, father or mother
  3. The application must clearly state that organ donation is allowed in the UK under law.

Standard visitor visa for private medical treatment

. If any visa holder is visiting for medical treatment, he/she must prove the following:

  1. The individual can afford the treatment cost 
  2. The individual has enough funds to sustain in the UK and can make arrangements for treatment.
  3. The person needs medical treatment in the UK at any private hospital
  4. The individual does not pose any danger of infectious disease in the UK.
  5. The individual ensures to leave the country post-medical treatment.

Standard visitor visa as an academic

. If any visa holder is visiting as an academic, he/she must prove the following:

  1. The individual is not going on a permanent post as a teacher
  2. Work or research related to PhD
  3. Support any UK based institute as an expert in your academic field
  4. Attend any work seminar in your field of study.

With this visa, the visa holders can stay for up to 12 months in the UK.

Standard visitor visa application to study

This visa will allow you to study for 6 months in an accredited institute in the UK

  1. The individual can pursue a short study course for up to 6 months
  2. You can also choose to learn ‘elective’ subjects such as foreign language.

If the stay is longer than 6 months, then a student visa is needed.

Transit visa route for Standard visitor visas

Suppose you’re passing through the United Kingdom, you would possibly get to apply for a transit visa on the way to a different country. To get one, you would like to prove that you’re getting to another country and you’ve got enough money to try to do so. You also got to prove that you’re only within the UK for transit.

There are two types of transit visas:

  1. Direct Airside Transit Visa (DATV) – not going through border control
  2. Visitor in Transit visa – browsing border control but leaving within 48 hours

How can I apply for a Standard visitor visa?

Standard visitor visa applications typically are made through an online process. It is also recommended that one must go through the UK immigration lawyer to gain expert advice and complete hand-holding until your visa application is successful and the visa is in your hands. The immigration lawyers are experts in taking care of applications with ease and expertise on your behalf.

The individual must complete the biometric process first

Checklist of Documents for standard visitor visa applications

  1. The intention of the trip to the UK
  2. Dates and details of your travel the dates you’re planning to travel to the UK
  3. Cost of the travel expense
  4. Details of your lodging
  5. The annual income of the visa holder
  6. Current address and contact details 
  7. Duration of your stay in the UK
  8. Name of dependants and family members details.
  9. Any previous criminal offence committed.

Activities- specific documents

Specific documents in the following cases:

  1. Overseas study or research documents.
  2. Details of organ donor and recipient.
  3. Medical treatment documents 
  4. Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE)
  5. Professional and Linguistic Assessment Board (PLAB) test.


  1. Passport and travel documents to be with you all time. Make sure the passport has blank pages. Else, it would be best if you got another passport issued.
  2. If the visa seeker is from a non-English speaking country, he/she must provide accurate and certified translations of the travel document.

The visa seeker also needs to provide:

  1. Details of your family, passport number, date of birth
  2. Past 9-10 years travel history record.
  3. Your work address and phone number. 

What if a Standard visitor visa is refused?

The visa is likely to get refused if the visa seeker is incapacitated in providing correct information or the intentions to visit the UK were unclear during the interview. Even though the visa application is refused, the visa seeker can file for a Judicial review process with the help of a UK immigration lawyer.

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A Y & J Solicitors

A Y & J Solicitors is a multi-award winning, 14+ years experienced, recommended by Legal 500, boutique UK immigration law firm based in Central London. Having assisted 5000+ clients, we are well equipped to help you with our ‘In It To Win It’ approach. For your assurance and confidence, we are pleased to share our trust rating of 4.9/5 based on 1000+ reviews on Trustpilot & Google.

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